Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ruguti Village: Joseph Kimathi, 42, commits suicide over cheating wife


Joseph Kimathi, 42, kills himself for finding out wife unfaithful

Joseph Kimathi, 42, was discovered hanged in his home in Ruguti Village, Igambang’ombe Sub-County, after making accusations that his wife was having an extramarital affair.

His mother said that Kimathi and his wife, Regina Kawira, did not get along well and that it had previously required family members to mediate their disputes.

The mother said that the pair had spent the day in Itugururu Market, where Kimathi had a barbershop, but they appeared to be at odds, on Saturday, September 23, 2022, the day before the tragic occurrence.

Kimathi asked his mother regardless of whether her phone had enough airtime when he brought one of his kids home, claiming that his wife had not been at their place of work and that he had no idea of her movements since she was not returning his calls.

“I immediately dismissed the suggestion that he call his wife on my phone since there was no use in trying to confine her and she was not answering.” I admitted to my son that I had become tired of their problems, “she said.

One youngster stayed with the father while the other slept off at the grandmother’s home. The kids eventually made dinner and went to bed.

Letter left after his death. Joseph Kimathi, 42, kills himself for finding out wife unfaithful


The grandmother said that around three in the morning on Sunday, one of the kids woke her up and told her that their father had made suicide threats. The grandmother didn’t take the reports seriously and told the child not to worry since their father would not commit such an act.

The child would once again wake up the grandmother, who at this point was in tears and had made the decision to phone her second son, Joseph Murithi, to see how his brother was doing.

Then, when traveling with their cousin Muriuki, Murithi would arrive at Kimathi’s home only to discover that he had hanged himself.

“Our mother contacted me at approximately three in the morning and asked me to check on our brother Kimathi. I reached out to our cousin Muriuki, and together we went to Kimathi’s home, only to discover that he had already hanged himself “explained Murithi.

He was let free by the two, who also hurried to call the police and local authorities, who came running to the scene.

In his suicide note, Kimathi attributed his deed to his wife’s adulterous activities. However, he requested that she take care of their kids and move back into their marital residence.

He also asked that all of his son Munene’s school costs be paid for and that his wife keep taking care of their children.

“Because of Mama Munene, I am dead. She is still the owner of this house, so please do not mistreat her. She has been treating me badly because of the other guys, yet she was allowed to raise Munene and Tatiana without interfering with or victimizing them. Let her continue to raise our children in the house we share. Even after her death, she is still my wife, “the letter said in part.

The corpse of the deceased has already been transported to Chuka Level 4 Hospital, and he also requested that it be read at his funeral ceremony.