
Chepalungu Man, 36, dies of deep wounds after being caught with neighbours’ wife in a Lodging -Bomet

Broken beds at a lodging being repaired
Broken bed. FILE

36 years old man died of piercing wounds he nursed in an attack after he was caught over the weekend sleeping with another man’s wife in lodging at Kapwen trading centre, Chepalungu Sub-County of Bomet.

The weekend episode occurred when the man whose wife was cheating on him, presumed they were carrying on an illicit affair, laid a trap to catch the two red-handed.

Sources say the husband of the unfaithful woman thrust his way into the lodging room by demolishing the door and found the two lovebirds sharing the prohibited fruit.

The disturbed man, who was armed with a blade, attacked the two leaving the offender with lethal stab injuries while his wife sustained minor injuries on her forehead.

The man died on his way to hospital having lost a lot of blood through several cut wounds in his stomach, chest, thighs and head among other spots.

After the attack, the husband abdicated to the police at Bomet Police Station after members of the public cautioned to murder him.

Itembe sub-location Assistant Chief Samson Kirui verified the incident while advising members of the public against taking the law in their own hands.

Meanwhile, the body of the late has been moved to Longisa Referral hospital mortuary, as burial arrangements get underway.

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