Saturday, July 27, 2024

Governor Kawira Mwangaza fate, Senate spares Meru Governor from impeachment, Kawira cries


Kawira Mwangaza survives impeachment photo. Kawira Mwangaza cries

The Senate has spared Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza from being impeached. Meru MCA told to repair their broken relationship and work with the Governor because it was clear that the forces was coming from other Gubernatorial candidates who lost in 2022.

None of the claims made against Governor Mwangaza by members of the Meru County Assembly are true, according to the Senate Special Committee, chaired by Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale.


According to Khalwale, the committee is looking into claims of nepotism and illegitimate appointments, inciting and intimidating other politicians, and forcing the Meru County Assembly to convene. None of these claims have been proven.


67 of the County Assembly of Meru’s 69 members have impeached Governor Mwangaza.

During the impeachment trial, Kawira’s lawyers said that the governor was being treated unfairly because her husband, Murega Baichu, held a high position in the county.

Governor Kawira did not apologise during cross-examination for some of the wrongdoings she was charged with, such as putting members of her family in county offices.

Mwangaza said that nepotism was not a factor in her husband’s selection as a patron for young people in Meru County. 


His responsibility was to provide both material and emotional help; the county never paid him.