Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kwani jana kuliendaje! We Pombe sio supu… Karen Nyamu apologises to Samidoh over Dubai drama


Samidoh's wife Edday Nderitu and girlfriend and nominated Senator Karen Nyamu

Following a close call during his Mugithi performance in Dubai on Friday between his wife Edday Nderitu and girlfriend and nominated Senator Karen Nyamu, musician Samidoh is once again the talk of the town.

When Nyamu walked to a table where Samidoh and his wife were seated, an incident occurred when Nyamu forcibly got on Samidoh’s lap.


This made Edday respond. The nominated senator resisted Edday’s attempts to liberate him from her. 


The two ladies competed for Samidoh’s attention, which led to a disturbance. When Samidoh urged his security detail to step in, Nyamu almost struck him.

Nyamu can be seen grinning in a video on trending social media of the incident as bouncers drag her out of the club in Dubai.

Nyamu can be seen dancing on stage as Samidoh sings in a later video that was made after the incident.

 The singer then orders his bouncers to remove Nyamu off the stage once again. 


“Guys kwani jana kuliendaje? Naamka napata nimetagiwa kila mahali. We pombe sio supu. Ati jana nilichoma? Nimeacha pombe mimi. Sikunywi tena mimi,” said Nyamu in a subsequent Instagram live post. 


“Samahani sana my love Samidoh. Sasa Nimeokoka sitaki pombe tena.”