Saturday, July 27, 2024

Narok, Nakuru, Kisii counties tops in most corrupt counties index – EACC report


Intergrity centre Nairobi


A recent study found that Kenyans are most likely to be asked for a bribe when they go to the Narok County administration for help.


This is according to the most recent report from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission(EACC), which was published on Friday.


Most Corrupt counties in Kenya

Respondents who requested services in Narok County made the highest proportion of bribery requests, at 31.7%.


After Narok, people in Elgeyo Marakwet County (31.3%), Nakuru County (29.3%), and Kisii County (28.5%) came in second through fourth.


The most people who said they had received bribes were from Mandera County (34.4%), followed by Narok (30.1%), Nakuru (26.7%), and Elgeyo Marakwet (25.8%).

The county-level corruption index report for 2021.

The least amount of bribery happens in Marsabit (1.1%), then in Tharaka Nithi (4.8%), Embu (6.6%), and Nyeri (7.3%).


Tana River County had the highest average number of bribe demands (3.8), followed by Kisii County (3.1), Narok County (2.9), and Garissa (2.7).

 Least Corrupt counties in Kenya

The counties of Samburu, Lamu, Laikipia, Kakamega, Isiolo, Embu, and Kitui, on the other side, had the lowest average number of bribe payments, at 1 percent.


The average bribe paid by service seekers in Narok County was Sh 42,652.96. Mombasa, Mandera, and Nyandarua (Sh 11,109.09) came in second and third, respectively.

On the other hand, Nyamira County had the lowest average bribe paid at Sh453.64, followed by Meru (Sh814.66), Isiolo (Sh850.00), and Vihiga (Sh453.64) (Sh 978.15).

Members of the general population who were 18 years of age or older at the household level made up the survey’s respondents.

They talk about their experiences with public officials when they ask for services from public agencies.

A representative home survey of 5,847 respondents from all 47 counties in 600 clusters around the country was one way that the poll gathered information.