Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ritual cleansing or devil worshipping? Alex Maina Ochogo reveals the use of Baby Sagini’s gouged eyes


Alex Maina Ochogo arrested over baby Sagini

In one of the more strange acts of criminality that have been recorded so far this month, a three-year-old kid in Kisii, Kenya, had both of his eyeballs gouged out, leading to the detention of a 26-year-old man.

Authorities think that Alex Maina Ochogo and his own mother worked together to do the terrible thing, which is thought to have been part of some kind of ritual purification.

The lady is one of the people the police are seeking as part of their investigation. It is suspected that she went to Nairobi at some point after the crime had been committed.

The police are now pursuing a variety of avenues in their investigation into allegations that some of those involved in the horrific event did so in an effort to cleanse themselves of a more serious crime they committed years earlier.

In light of the fact that it is very improbable that the youngster would recover his sight, the administration of Kisii County has already indicated that they are willing to foot the bill for the boy’s medical care as well as provide for his special schooling needs.

Meanwhile, Ochogo, who is said to be the boy’s cousin, will be held at the Rioma Police Station for the next five days so that investigators may finish their work on the case that has aroused indignation throughout the country.

When he was brought in front of Senior Resident Magistrate Christine Ogweno yesterday, an untidy man named Ochogo, who is a first cousin once removed on the father’s side of Junior Sagini and was the only person to survive the gruesome incident, appeared calm and collected as if nothing sinister had ever happened in his life.

When the police brought him into court, he was wearing a worn pair of black slacks, a grey shirt, and an oversized grey pullover.

“The preliminary investigation shows that he escorted his mother, who is the main suspect, and he was part of the scheme,” Hillary Kaino, the prosecutor in the case, told the court as he requested the magistrate detain Ochogo for five days to allow investigators to finish their work. Ochogo was detained so that investigators could complete their investigation.

Kaino said that investigators were looking for more individuals who may have had a part in the crime that has many people around the country in shock. Kaino also stated that the investigation was ongoing.

For example, Mike Sonko, a former governor of Nairobi, is offering a monetary reward of 400,000 Kenyan shillings to any officer who provides information that leads to the capture of the criminals responsible for the gruesome act.

On Twitter, Sonko made the following statement: “I will also provide an additional two hundred thousand dollars to anyone who will submit information that will lead the authorities to destroy this gang of cowards.”

Yesterday, Kaino testified before the magistrate’s court that Ochogo was being kept because police suspect that he accompanied his mother to the bus station shortly after the event so that she could go to Nairobi.

Ochogo was ordered to be held at the Rioma police station after the court stated that the case had garnered significant public attention. In addition to that, she gave the officer commanding the station (OCS) the order to make sure the suspect with the serious expression was safe.

On Friday, the court is going to mention the matter, and Ochogo will be there so that Ogweno may provide more instructions. Ochogo is expected to be there.

Anita Nduhukire and Daphine Ayaki, two lawyers who appeared in court to defend Sagini, made a commitment to ensuring that justice is carried out during their time in the courtroom.