Saturday, July 27, 2024

More uneducated men own homes than graduates from colleges or universities


KNBS boss in Kenya

A startling pattern in property ownership was uncovered by a recent study carried out in Kenya. The results of the poll showed that a greater number of males without formal education own homes than men with some college degrees.

According to the results of the Demographic and Health Survey 2022, which were made public on Tuesday, January 17, by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), it was found that 46.7% of men who own a house have no formal education, which is a significantly higher percentage than the 32.2% of men who have gone beyond secondary school.


In a similar way, the poll showed that 10% of female homeowners had not finished any kind of formal education, while only 3% of female homeowners had gone to tertiary-level schools.


According to statistics, this pattern may be a reflection of Kenya’s rural-urban migration trends, which are characterized by educated people moving from rural to urban areas in search of work.


The majority of people who relocate to metropolitan regions find themselves in a position where they can only afford to lease rather than purchase or construct a house for themselves.


Homes in Kenya  owned by uneducated men
South C home.

The costs of land in metropolitan regions are often more expensive than those in rural ones. This is as a result of factors like the location’s closeness to facilities, chances for work, and the general demand for land.


In the meantime, more people in rural regions of Kenya are able to construct their own houses.

In addition, the poll discovered that just 20% of illiterate males own a home together with their wives or other partners, in contrast to the 36.3% of their female counterparts who do so.


The results of the poll showed that just 33% of women between the ages of 18 and 49 owned a home, compared to 45% of males in the same age range.


This difference is most obvious in rural and urban regions, where 44% of women living in rural areas own homes compared to just 17% of women living in urban areas who own homes.


Other inequalities in land ownership in Kenya were brought to light by the study, which is carried out once every five years and made public.


For instance, despite constitutional provisions that grant women the same rights to land ownership as men, traditional societal norms frequently make it difficult for women to secure land rights unless they do so through their husbands.


This is the case even though the Constitution grants women the same rights to land ownership as men.


Homes in Kenya  owned by uneducated men
Rural home

When you look at all of the poll’s results together, they paint a complicated picture of the housing market in Kenya and show how hard it is for women and educated people to keep their property rights.