Friday, July 26, 2024

[PHOTOS] Mudavadi’s speech at Catherine Kasavuli’s final sendoff at Zululu village shock mourners


Catherine Kasavuli laid to rest in Vihiga

On Saturday, members of Catherine Kasavuli’s family and friends, as well as former coworkers and community officials, gathered at her remote home in Zululu village, located in Vihiga County, to attend her funeral.


The funeral for her last farewell is now taking place at Nyang’ori Boys High School, and thereafter, the burial will take place at their residence.


Friends and relatives of Kasavuli came together on Thursday for a memorial ceremony that was held at the Friends Church that is located along Ngong Road.


Kasavuli was remembered fondly as a talented and charitable person in the eulogy.


After a protracted and unsuccessful struggle against cervical cancer, Kasavuli, age 60, died in the Kenyatta National Hospital on December 29, 2022.


However, PCS Musalia Mudavadi speech took the mourners to deep mourning as he described the deceased as mentor to most women in Kenya’s entertainment sector. 


Below are the photos at Catherine Kasavuli’s sendoff by Vihiga County Government Press Unit.


RMS ICT and Radio Director Fred Afune together with veteran broadcaster Fred Obachi Machoka
RMS ICT and Radio Director Fred Afune together with veteran broadcaster Fred Obachi Machoka. 

Former Roots party presidential candidate George Wajackoyah
Former Roots party presidential candidate George Wajackoyah

Catherine Kasavuli's son, Martin, alongside Azimio deputy presidential candidate Martha Karua photo
Catherine Kasavuli’s son, Martin, alongside Azimio deputy presidential candidate Martha Karua. 

Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi at the service in Vihiga photo.