Saturday, July 27, 2024

ODM rebel MPs to form anti-Raila Nyanza ‘liberation group’, leaving Raila in crossroads

Nyanza Liberation Group meeting the President in statehouse
Nyanza Liberation Group meeting the President in statehouse.

Several ODM dissident MPs, who are cooperating with the administration of President William Ruto, are making preparations to start an aggressive campaign to free the Luo people from the control of Raila Odinga.


According to sources, the lawmakers are planning to introduce a new revolution that would be known as the Nyanza Liberation Group.

If it is successful, then it might create a significant problem for Raila, who is now the unquestioned leader of Luo Nyanza.

Meetings have been taking place in Nairobi to discuss the launch strategy for the organization, and other discussions are anticipated to take place in the following weeks.

They are then anticipated to make their preliminary debut in the month of April.

Raila’s ODM party has criticized the members of parliament for meeting with members of the cabinet despite the fact that they have been doing so.

Notwithstanding their assertions that they are working toward a growth plan, they have been labeled as rebels by the public.

Raila’s current anti-government protests might be given a boost by the drive by the ODM rebels, which would be beneficial in Raila’s effort to unite the Nyanza region in opposition to President Ruto’s administration.

Bondo Member of Parliament Gideon Ochanda is in the running to head the anti-Raila campaign that is being run by the Luo Nyanza Liberation Group.

One of the Members of Parliament (MPs) who met with Deputy President William Ruto at the State House was Ochanda, who has since been expelled from the ODM branch leadership.

Ochanda disputed that they had progressed in their preparations for the establishment of a rebel organization, but he allowed that the continued “schemes” in ODM to brand them as enemies will push them to do so. He also denied that they have expressed their intentions to form a rebellion group.

“We haven’t gone that route yet,” said Ochanda, “but it can’t be ruled out given the situation.” “Not yet,” Ochanda replied, “but it can’t be ruled out given the circumstances.”

It’s possible that the creation of a dissident faction inside the ODM party is reminiscent of a previous strong drive by certain regional leaders to displace Raila as the party’s presidential candidate in advance of the 2013 elections.

At the time, the group was known as Kalausi, and it had recruited a number of members of parliament from the surrounding area, one of whom was Dalmas Otieno, who served as the Rongo MP at the time.

But, in spite of their best efforts, they were unable to mount a serious challenge to Raila’s hegemony, hence their efforts were ultimately fruitless.

Eliud Owalo, Cabinet Secretary for Information and Communication Technology, has been the point of contact for the ODM dissident MPs as they continue their attempts to unseat Raila as leader of the ODM.

They are, theoretically, making preparations for a variety of different development projects that they want the government to implement.

As they move away from Raila’s fold, it is anticipated that they will utilize the initiatives that are supported by the state to win favor with the locals and endear themselves to them.

According to a statement made by one of the members of parliament, they plan to “hit the ground running” in April, which is the month in which top government officials are anticipated to arrive in the region in order to commission a number of different development projects in their respective constituencies.

Before the projects were ever commissioned, he said, “That is why you have seen us conduct meetings with Cabinet secretaries to plan out the projects and prepare timeframes.” “You have seen us holding meetings with Cabinet secretaries.”

Elisha Odhiambo (Gem), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), and Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda were among the members of parliament who were present at the meeting at State House.

On the other hand, they have refuted claims that they are organizing a liberation organization.

But, Kisumu East MP Shakeel Shabbir, an Independent MP who was also among the Nyanza MPs who attended the meeting at the State House, told Nation that he was aware of a caucus led by Ochanda. Shabbir was one of the Nyanza parliamentarians who attended the meeting.

While I am not a member of the caucus, I am aware that Ochanda serves as the chairman. “I was informed that he is the head of the caucus,” Shabbir said. “At the time, I even told the President that I had gone to visit him as an independent and not as a member of any caucus.”

In the event that the MPs come together, the campaign has the potential to undermine Raila’s efforts to undermine the administration, particularly in Luo Nyanza.

Raila has been traveling around the nation and has other meetings scheduled in order to increase the amount of pressure that is being applied to the government of President Ruto.