Saturday, July 27, 2024

Raila Odinga turns to fasting and prayers next week at IEBC offices before new commissioners selection


Raila Odinga IEBC office prayers

Raila Odinga, the head of the Azimio coalition party, has stated that he would conduct a prayer session after fasting for the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) members next week from outside their headquarters at Anniversary Towers. The gathering will be held in support of the commission.

The declaration was made by Odinga on Wednesday, after a gathering of the Azimio parliamentary group in the Senate, which led to changes in the leadership of the opposition in the upper chamber.

“We will host a prayer session for the IEBC, which will be done in front of their premises some time next week,” Odinga stated. “The prayer event will take place sometime next week.”

Odinga also said that the Azimio coalition will keep spreading its ideology throughout the nation and that the Kisii area would be the location of the coalition’s next trip on Friday.

The Azimio team has been staging a series of anti-government protests to condemn the regime of President William Ruto and to publicize their platform for the 2022 elections, which they assert they would win.

The coalition has just rescheduled a protest in Kisii that was supposed to take place on Monday of this week. Events have been held in the past in places like Nairobi, Mombasa, and Machakos, among others.

The camp of Azimio has disputed that the demonstrations are designed to bring down the administration led by President Ruto or to split the nation. 

Instead, they have said that President Ruto is trying to buy off opposition MPs in order to change the constitution and get rid of limits on how many terms a president can serve.

On the other side, the Ruto camp has disregarded the demonstrations as pointless and asked the leaders of Azimio to concentrate on matters pertaining to prosperity.