Saturday, July 27, 2024

[VIDEO] Eric Omondi arrested, detained for leading demonstrations storming parliament over the high cost of living

Comedian Eric Omondi arrested
Comedian Eric Omondi arrested

The comedian Eric Omondi was among the demonstrators detained on Tuesday as they attempted to breach the premises housing Parliament.

To meet with National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula, the entertainer pretended to be the leader of a group of young people demonstrating against the high cost of living.

The demonstrators consisted of a bunch of shirtless, muscular guys who had chains around their necks. They marched about with banners showing the state of the economy and costly goods.

“Unga juu, mafuta juu. “Stima juu, taxi juu,” the signs said.

Comedian Eric Omondi arrested

A video shows the comic struggling against the law enforcement officers, trying to throw him into the police vehicle.

Immediately after that, a rat race broke out in the middle of the city as the police effortlessly pulled him up along with other youths and loaded them into police vehicles.

There was a release of tear gas in an attempt to disperse them.

Eric Omondi, the president of stand-up comedy known for his outspokenness and candour, was taken into custody after leading a demonstration in the corridors of Nairobi against the growing cost of living.

When the bare chests men holding placards, approached the entrance to the Parliament buildings, they yelled “bado mapambano” and demanded an audience with Speaker Moses Wetang’ula.

The crowd squatted across Parliament Road, stopping cars, as they chanted songs to encourage young people not to relax on their promises in the wake of a battle for better living circumstances.

“Vijana msilale, bado mapambano,” they sang.

“Welcome aboard, Eric Omondi… “More people will join our movement for change if the cost of living is too high,” Narok Senator Ledama Olekina said in a tweet after the demonstration.

Comedian Eric Omondi arrested

Despite their best efforts, the police were able to break up the crowd with smoke bombs as they attempted to break into the buildings housing Parliament.

The inability of the speaker to allow the gathering of attendees from inside the confines of Parliament premises was the impetus for the endeavour to enter the building.

After a short altercation, some demonstrators, including Omondi, were thrown into the back of a police vehicle and taken away.