Friday, July 26, 2024

[VIDEO] Hawa wako juu, Al-shabab ni waoga… Governor George Natembeya elucidates North Rift banditry

George Natembeya, governor of Trans-Nzoia, has shed light on the illusive war against raids in the North Rift, which has led to deaths and relocated many people.

Natembeya, who worked as Rift Valley Regional Commissioner during President Uhuru Kenyatta’s time in office, said that the battle wasn’t going well because there weren’t enough resources and there wasn’t a clear plan.

He said that the security forces in places where bandits are a problem don’t have enough food, supplies, or money.

North Rift bandits
North Rift bandits 

“Our commanders are forced to form an unholy alliance with the criminals, exchanging ammunition for goats in order to feed,” the previous regional commissioner said.

Natembeya emphasized that the salaries of security employees in high-risk zones are equivalent to those of traffic cops in secure sections of the nation.

During his time as head of security for the region, he was never given money to fight crime, which made his job a hard one.

Natembeya talked about an event that, he said, made him think about leaving his job in the national government.

During the multi-agency fight against theft in the Laikipia conservancy, Natembeya saw what he called interference from some of the security officers who were supposed to keep order in the area.

“What I saw in the Laikipia Conservancy prompted me to resign from this position.” “Because when we provided the KDF with precise coordinates of the robbers’ position, they attacked a different place,” he claimed.

Natembeya also revealed on NTV that the bandits are better than Al-Shabab.They walk during the day, and nothing happens.

“These people are above Al-Shabab.” They are more confident and walk during the day. “Guns are everywhere in the North Rift,” Natembeya said.