Saturday, July 27, 2024

Body of Tharaka Nithi man found floating on a river dumped without head and genitals


Police in Tharaka Nithi

Police in Tharaka Nithi are looking into a murder after a man’s corpse was found discarded in the river Ura on Sunday. Residents said that since the person was missing his head and private parts, it took some time to identify it.

As the inquiry into the terrible finding went on, authorities from Gatunga police station transferred the corpse from the location to the Marimanti Level 4 hospital.

In order to help with identification and investigations, police officers who are acquainted with the occurrence have made a public plea to anybody who may have missing relatives to contact the authorities.

In other news, residents of Kenyatta Road in Juja, Kiambu County, are incensed by the ongoing noise pollution caused by newly built entertainment establishments in the neighbourhood.

Furious locals are calling for action against bars, clubs, and liquor shops that they claim are violating local, state, and federal noise pollution rules and regulations.

During a public baraza held by the assistant county commissioner and chief of the area, the irate locals singled out a recently built pub that had been built as a pork centre to ostensibly deceive them, only to turn out to be the area’s loudest, wildest entertainment joint where all manners of immorality are done.

“The proprietor of Pork Centre first opened his establishment as a restaurant before converting it into a bar where every kind of immorality is practised.” The loud music that plays from the evening until the morning has been extremely upsetting for us, Margret Macharia, one of the worried homeowners, stated.

Residents of the estate where the club is located expressed their regret over the ongoing noise pollution that has caused them to lose sleep and pushed some of them to move residences or take self-medication in order to fall asleep, which has a negative impact on their productivity at work.

Residents who have been travelling between administration offices stated that nothing has been done as the club continues to operate even beyond regular working hours despite their objections that the entertainment establishment should limit noise pollution and abide by the rules.

The outraged locals, led by Mary Nyambura, said that several new clubs and bars are springing up in the neighbourhood, with a greater proportion of them having permits to run close to homes, churches, and educational facilities.

“They are constructing pubs everywhere. They don’t mind whether people, churches, or schools are around; therefore, we have been compelled to lead immoral lifestyles. They often claim to be promoting the clubs whenever we complain to them about the loud sounds, ” Nyambura stated.

They said that this has contributed considerably to property devaluation and loss of revenue for landlords when renters vacated the houses, increased incidents of instability, and needlessly exposed their children to nightclub life.

The villagers demanded that the government, headed by President William Ruto, step in and order the business joints to be shut down or converted into grocery shops for peaceful cohabitation, angry that environmental evaluations and public engagement were not conducted before their construction.

One of the aforesaid clubs’ owners informed the locals that the club worked for their kids and that shutting it down would result in job losses.

“I see this as a personal conflict between myself and a few individuals present. We are no longer boisterous since this company has hired young people from the neighbourhood,” according to the club’s owner, Zachary Mutheu.

The existing local authorities pledged to do all within their power to listen to the pleas of the community, including making sure that the clubs were not granted licences.

The residents voiced their worries a few days after Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi promised to deregister all bars, wine, and spirit outlets operating in residential areas and close-by educational institutions as part of his administration’s efforts to stop the sale and use of drugs and alcohol, which have continued to cause havoc in the county.

The county security team, under the direction of Police Commander Muchangi Kioi, County CID director Richard Mwaura, and the entire county department of administration attended a meeting at the county headquarters where the administration heads decided to expedite the removal of drugs and other hazardous materials whose use has increased in the county.