Saturday, July 27, 2024

Multimillionaire Gor Semalango helps Stivo Simple Boy with food over MIB mismanagement


Flamboyant multimillionaire Gor Semalango

Flamboyant multimillionaire Gor Semalango stepped out to support Stivo Simple Boy after his wife claimed they were forced to live in squalor.

Gor shared a clip of Stivo Simple Boy thanking him for helping with his financial problems through his Instagram stories.

“Tuendelee Ivo Ivo kusupport wasanii wa Kenya au sio? Pia nashukuru CEO Gor Semelango, kwa kunipatia kitu kidogo ya kula, na Mola akubari? Thank goodness,” Stivo added, “Ndio maanake.”

After blowing a kiss, the performer said, “Nakupenda CEO Semelango, mwaah!”

The prominent businessman acknowledged Stivo’s talent and pledged to help Stivo Simple Boy in his future endeavours.

Stivo Simple Boy’s wife publicly blamed the manager for their financial issues earlier today.

Grace said that MIB (Men In Business), who oversees his financial affairs, had been hoarding his money and keeping his family in need.

“Manager wake anampatia stress, yeye anajikondea tu, wakati tulikuwa nae alikuwa ameungaunga tu, sasa hivi ni manager wake stress, pesa zake na hio account zake,” the wife said.

Grace spoke the words, “Si yeye ndio anatumia, si yeye ndio anazimanage, yani kila kitu manager wake ndio anamanage.

Additionally, she said that Stivo was insolvent and had little more than 10 shillings in his Mpesa account.

“Sahi ata ukienda kwa simu yake kuangalia balance hata kuta shilingi kumi peke yake,” the wife said.

“Anakuambia hana na ukimuuliza pesa zako ziko wapi anasema manager wangu ndio ako nazo,” she said. “Yani ata nkimwambia nitumie hata shilingi anakuambia.”

Grace also said that because they regularly went to bed on empty stomachs, even eating at home was an intense sport.

When the moment comes, “Saa zingine zipo chakula lakini saa zingine twakosa.” She replied, “Lakini mahali ako sioni kama atasaidika.”

Grace also saw that Stivo found it difficult to advocate for himself due to his soft and modest demeanour.

“Kwanza anapitia mambo magumu na hawezi akasema kitu ya kwanza changamoto ambazo ziko kwa hio nyumba ndo maana kwa sahizi naweza. Shida Yake Yeeye Ni Mpole Sana Kijana Mpole Ongea Lazima niseme tu venye ako, kwangu mimi siwezi nikaona ati bwanangu anahangaika halafu ye ni muoga wa kuongea,” she added.

Additionally, she said that she was unaware of Stivo’s YouTube earnings.

“Sijui kama analipwa ata yeye mwenyewe ukimuuliza venye YouTube inalipa hajui.” She stupidly said, “Mambo na pesa yeye jamani kijana mwenyewe mpole hata hajui, yeye bora amepata chakula sawa.”

When the leadership team was questioned about Grace’s accusations, MIB shot off the charges and said that Stivo was in order.

Stivo’s destiny is set, according to the CEO of the management, Vaga Genius, and he won’t ever be short of money.

“Binadamu kila mtu ako na comments zake sababu ata wewe ukianza kazi yako leo kuna watu ambao wataseme hufanyi hii. The reason hutawai skia ohh is because Katika lebo ni vitu normal sana na ila ki kweli ata ukifwatilia sana yani kampuni imetumia hela mingi sana.”

“Stivo sijui hana nini, Stivo amefungiwa nyumba. At this point, bado vitu zake zinafanyika mashow. There are individuals handling it. Hizi asserts that Mimi is correct and is ya kuongea nazichukulia tu poa sababu. Vaga said, “Saa zingine anawezajisemea mwenyewe.”

When Stivo’s career was at its height, he had similar problems with his old managers at Made In Kibera (MIK). At the time, Pritty Vishy, his then-girlfriend, filed complaints against the leadership, claiming that the agreement offered to him was unfair.

Eric Omondi publicly criticised MIB in 2022 for leaving Simple Boy alone in Mombasa and making him sleep in a bed with ladies.