Friday, July 26, 2024

Why Kalonzo Musyoka missed Azimio rally at Kamukunji? Raila reveals


Raila Odinga at Kamukunji

Many alliance followers were confused by Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka’s apparent absence from the Azimio la Umoja Kamukunji event on Tuesday.

However, coalition leader Raila Odinga informed Azimio loyalists present that Kalonzo is now travelling in Europe and has expressed his regrets.

“I spoke with my pal Kalonzo Musyoka. He’s not here right now since he’s in Europe, but he has conveyed his best wishes anyhow, “according to Odinga.

Speaking at the occasion, Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua said that the Wiper leader will back whatever recommendations are presented during the interactive gathering.

Wambua greeted the audience and stated, “I come with greetings from Kalonzo Musyoka. He has said he remains with us, and if you tell him to move forward, we will move forward.”

Additionally, Raila informed his followers that Uhuru Kenyatta, a former president, had issued his own apology.

“Do you get our brother Uhuru Kenyatta’s greetings, which he sent by email?” Raila smirked.

In order to send a message to the Kenya Kwanza government, Raila dubbed President William Ruto’s ratification and signing of the Finance Bill 2023 into law on Monday an act of tyranny. He also urged Kenyans to abolish the new tax laws and engage in acts of civil disobedience.

Party head of Narc Kenya Martha Karua, minority leader of the National Assembly Opiyo Wandayi, Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo, deputy minority leader of the National Assembly Robert Mbui, Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna, and Embakasi East MP Babu Owino were present.

Along with a number of ward members, other politicians in attendance were Anthony Oluoch, Beatrice Ogolla, Beth Siengo, Millie Odhiambo, Tim Wanyonyi, George Aladwa, James Nyikal, Charles Were, Stewart Madzayo, Amos Mwago, Jones Mwarumba, Edwin Sifuna, Godfrey Osotsi, and Enoch Wambua.