Friday, July 26, 2024

After clapping nonstop for more than three hours, Ugandan church sets new world record


Ugandan church, Phaneroo Ministries International

A Ugandan church, Phaneroo Ministries International, recently made history by breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest continuous clapping session. 

The jubilant members of the church clapped for an incredible three hours and sixteen minutes, adhering to a strict set of rules. 

These rules included no singing or stomping, no musical instruments, silent mode on mobile phones, and no toilet breaks. Additionally, the sound level had to remain at 80 dB throughout the entire effort. 

To ensure that participants stayed hydrated, designated people provided plastic containers of water or soda to those who needed it while they continued clapping. Overall, it was an impressive achievement for the church and its members.

On July 30th, the UMA combined hall hosted a historic event called “Clap for Jesus” to celebrate the ninth anniversary of Phaneroo Ministries. 

Thousands of enthusiastic individuals from Kampala and beyond attended the festival, which is well-known in Uganda for its lively and joyful gatherings. While some spectators cheered from the sidelines, others participated in the challenge itself. 

Social media images show a congregation that appeared quite exhausted, with some individuals seated in the sanctuary and others lying on the lawn with their heads lowered.

Before beginning the impressive feat, Phaneroo Ministries International applied to the Guinness World Records organization and ensured that all requirements were met within the country of Uganda.

At the event, the Guinness World Records panel of experts agreed that Phaneroo had broken the previous record set by Stevens Clark on July 20, 2019, during the Festival of Awesomeness-UK, which was 2 hours and 5 minutes for the longest clap.

Apostle Grace Lubega, the founder of Phaneroo Ministries, expressed to both local and international media that this achievement is a testament to the unwavering spirit of the organization and its dedicated supporters. 

Lubega emphasized that this accomplishment highlights the organization’s ability to bring people from diverse backgrounds together to achieve a common goal, building bonds that transcend barriers and obstacles.

The recent accomplishment of Phaneroo in breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest applause is not just a cause for celebration, but also a powerful example of cooperation and unity in a world that can often feel divided. 

This achievement highlights the incredible things that can be accomplished when people come together with a shared goal and unwavering dedication.

The church eagerly awaits the verdict from Guinness World Records on whether Phaneroo’s hand-clapping event has officially set a new world record. 

This decision may take up to 12 weeks as Guinness examines the supporting materials and determines whether to recognize the new record or reject it.