Saturday, July 27, 2024

Azimio reveals new cost of living protesting days – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


Azimio protests blocked by Police officers

Azimio La Umoja plans more protests starting next week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be protest days every week until President William Ruto listens to Kenyans on the cost of living.

Senator Edwin Sifuna says Kenya Kwanza cannot order the arrest of Raila Odinga. “From next week, we will have three straight days of protests from Monday to Wednesday until President Ruto listens to Kenyans.”

“Kenyans are unhappy with overtaxation. Kenya Kwanza MPs passed the Finance Bill 2023 because they fear President Ruto,” added Sifuna.

Senator Godfrey Osotsi added that Kenyans who died in the demonstrations were victims of police brutality. Kuria West MP Matthias Robi publicly said the police should shoot demonstrators, but he has not been arrested.

President Ruto and CS Kindiki threatened Kenyans against demonstrations. What happened yesterday was planned. Police brutality was on another level: throwing teargas on peaceful protestors.

Ledama Olekina, “People must climb down from their ivory towers and face reality. You cannot sit pretty in State House and all these big offices and forget about the mama mbogas to whom you promised to change their lives.”