Saturday, July 27, 2024

President William Ruto reshuffles cabinet, demotes Moses Kuria, elevates Musalia Mudavadi


President William Ruto

Kenya’s President William Ruto has made changes to his cabinet, moving eight members around to different positions. 

The Foreign Affairs department will now be managed by the Prime Cabinet Secretary’s office, which is headed by Musalia Mudavadi. 

Alfred Mutua has been moved to Tourism and Wildlife, while Moses Kiarie Kuria has been demoted to Public Service, Performance and Delivery Management and Rebecca Miano has taken his place.

The president has not fired any members of the cabinet, only shifted their positions. He has changed some ministries and reorganised some functions. 

Several factors are said to have influenced the president’s decision, including tender interests, infighting among some cabinet members and reports from the National Intelligence Service (NIS).

President Ruto’s reshuffle is aimed at stabilising his government, which had been facing criticism for poor performance and arrogance by government officials. 

The changes have come at a time when some senior members of the ruling party have intensified calls for some ministers to be sacked over the high cost of living, exacerbated by rising fuel prices and the weakening Kenyan shilling. 

The president is keen to win a second term, especially as most of his cabinet secretaries are politicians who control key regions whose votes he’s keen to retain.


The reshuffle has excited Musalia Mudavadi’s social media base, who see this as his elevation. 

However, those around Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua see Mudavadi’s promotion as his checkmate in government, with suggestions that he could well be the president’s running mate in 2027. 

In conclusion, President Ruto has made a significant move in his cabinet, repositioning some ministers to different positions. 

This is aimed at stabilising his government and improving its performance, which had come under criticism in recent times.