Friday, July 26, 2024

Fake young Ugandan witchdoctor jailed for defrauding Kenyan Sh1.3 Million

A Ugandan witch doctor is accused of defrauding a Kenyan man and is facing charges in a Sh 1.3Million fraud case. 
Kenneth Nkolwa, a Ugandan citizen, appeared before Milimani Law Courts on charges of cheating a Kenyan businessman out of Ksh1.3 million.

Witch doctor from Uganda accused of stealing Ksh1.3 million from a Kenyan guy.  Kenneth Nkolwa, a Ugandan citizen, appeared before Milimani Law Courts on charges of cheating a Kenyan businessman out of Ksh1.3 million. 
The Milimani Law Courts have accused a Ugandan witchdoctor with defrauding a Kenyan merchant of Ksh1.3 million by falsely representing that he could use magical healing to treat and cure his nephew’s epileptic illness.
On Wednesday, November 29, the suspect, Kenneth Nkolwa, made an appearance before Milimani Chief Magistrate Lucas Onyina. He refuted two accusations made against him: defrauding the complainant, Deka Said Omar, and entering Kenya unlawfully.
The charges were perpetrated by Nkolwa between May 29 and July 28, 2023, according to the prosecution.
“During various dates from May 29 to July 28, 2023, at Stima Plaza Ngara area within Westlands Sub-county in Nairobi County, in conjunction with others not appearing before the court, you, as a witchdoctor, deceitfully pretended to be able to treat and cure an epileptic condition of one Mohammed Jamal, a nephew to the aforementioned Omar, through magic heal a fact he knew to be false,” a portion of the charge sheet states.
The prosecution claims that even after the victim made the payment, his patient’s health kept getting worse.
A second accusation of illegal immigration and possession of forged papers against the law was also brought against the witchdoctor.
The prosecution informed the court that the accused, a citizen of Uganda, was discovered in the nation illegally on November 27, 2023, in the Park Road neighbourhood of Ngara Estate, without proper documentation.
Nkolwa’s advocate asked the court for mercy after refuting the allegations, arguing that his client is a citizen of Kenya and is entitled to release on bail under the terms of the constitution.
Anderson Gikunda, the prosecutor, fiercely contested the accused’s bond request and requested a one-week detention of the accused while the court awaited the investigating officer’s pre-bail report.
The accused was ordered to be held at the Parklands Police Station by Magistrate Onyina until December 4, 2023, when the court will rule on the case.