Saturday, July 27, 2024

Patrick Irungu, son who killed mother over plate of Ugali and Matoke row in Murang'a

Murang'a police are looking into the death of a 68-year-old lady in Gaturo

Outrage at a man killing his mother, 68, with a knife after failed to prepare ugali. 

In Murang’a County, a man cuts his mother, who is 68 years old, to death because she cooked bananas rather than ugali.
Murang’a police are looking into the death of a 68-year-old lady in Gaturo village after an argument caused her son to kill her. 
The widow, known as Magdalene Wangechi, reportedly died after her 36-year-old son, Patrick Irungu, fatally hacked her. 
Members of the household said Wangechi had cooked bananas, but Irungu insisted on ugali. 
According to reports, Irungu’s 68-year-old mother gave him ugali, which allegedly caused the two to argue. 
A family member, James Njoroge, said that Irungu killed his mother by beheading her with a machete. 
“The man, who is suspected of being a drug addict, took a machete and chopped off his mother’s head during the ensuing fight,” Njoroge said. 
” Prior to the unfortunate verbal altercation, neighbours heard the two shouting loudly in their house, ” according to Murang’a South Deputy County Commissioner Gitona Murungi. 
According to the neighbours, they rushed to the site after hearing a scream and some commotion. 
“Surrounded by his kid, the first responder discovered the mother unconscious in a pool of blood, ” according to Murungi. 
Irungu is said to have tried to hide in a nearby jungle after committing the atrocity, but enraged locals apprehended him. 
“The guy who had crept outside the home in an effort to flee was sought after by the neighbours when they had recovered from their initial shock,” according to Murungi. 
According to the town administration, he was killed by mob justice when his neighbours found him in a bush close by.