Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mt. Kenya leaders push for Ndindi Nyoro and Anne Waiguru to replace DP Rigathi Gachagua, 2027

Anne Waiguru in Kirinyaga
Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru

A politician who is affiliated with the governing party, the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), has indicated that he might consider standing in for Rigathi Gachagua, who is now serving as the Deputy President, prior to the elections in 2027.

Mary Maingi, the Member of Parliament for Mwea, would become the first Kenyan woman to hold the position of second-highest office in the nation if she was successful in achieving her goal.

Ms. Maingi is of the opinion that it is high time that women in the nation be given the opportunity to run for president.

On the other hand, she stresses that the departing governor of Kirinyaga, Anne Waiguru, should be given precedence first.

As Governor of Kirinyaga, Waiguru is now spending her second and last term in office. Earlier in her career, she held the position of Cabinet Secretary for Devolution.

According to Ms. Maingi, the politics of inheritance in the Mount Kenya area have been initiated at a very early stage.

The two individuals, President William Ruto and his Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, are now in power and have secure authority over this nation. 

According to the Member of Parliament, “I do not believe that there is any vacant position; however, should there be a vacancy, be sure to take note of my words, should there be a vacancy, all of us have candidates prepared.”

He continued by saying, “Even Kirinyaga has a candidate. The governor of our area will walk away after serving for two terms. In reference to the position of DP, it is not a reserve for Murang’a. Neither do I know Nyeri… This pertains to us. At this point in time, let us have a woman serving as the president’s deputy.

As far as the legislator is concerned, she is allowed to assume the role of governor in the event that Governor Waiguru loses interest in the post.

When Waiguru does not show any interest… According to the opinion of the UDA lawmaker, “I am interested in the matter if my governor Waiguru is not concerned.”

This statement is being made at a time when political tensions are at an all-time high in the Mt. Kenya Region, which is where DP Gachagua is originally from.

In the event that President Ruto is able to maintain his seat in the general elections of 2027, a number of Kenya Kwanza parliamentarians have expressed their support for Mr. Ndindi Nyoro, the Member of Parliament for Kiharu, to replace him in the year 2032.

The aforementioned lawmakers subsequently “proposed” to the President that he should dismiss his present deputy president, Mr. Rigathi Gachagua, as he competes to defend his second term and instead choose Mr. Ndindi as his running partner. This was an additional twist in the story.

On the other hand, Deputy President Gachagua has dismissed the ideas, referring to them as “premature politics,” and he claims that he and the President are now in a position of authority, guiding the nation in the right direction.