
Akorino ladies are sweet and pure, Ben praises Akorino model Carey Priscilla

Ben, the husband of Akorino model Carey Priscilla photo

Ben, the husband of Akorino model Carey Priscilla, has did open up about their relationship, saying he prefers her the way she is and with her turban.

The celebrity also pours about his wife, claiming that it took him over a year to get intimate with her and that he has never resented his decision.
Carey echoed her husband’s thoughts in an interview with Mungai Eve, saying that ladies who swear loyalty to the faith are generally pure.
Ben, the husband of Akorino model Carey Priscilla photo

The two were questioned if they ever feel bad about sharing incredibly sensuous films on their social media profiles, and if they ever block bullies who keep telling them of their beliefs.
“What people need to know is that Akorino women are very sweet. And they are so pure. I waited for a year before I slept with her and it surpassed my expectations. I never regret waiting for her,” he said.
“We just share the same things we do in our home. We shower together, and we love each other. The content is not inappropriate because if it was, it would have been blocked by social media a long time ago. People need to know we are not thinking locally like they are,” Ben added.
Ben, the husband of Akorino model Carey Priscilla

“As long as you do it in a safe place and you find someone who knows what he’s doing, then I will support you to get the surgery done,” he continued.
Carey hit the headlines when she shared a snapshot of her massive derriere, leading admirers to believe she underwent plastic surgery.
Despite her denial of having surgery, her husband pushed her to get one if she ever felt the need.
The mother of one explained everybody has insecurities, and that just because she posted a picture of her huge rear does not indicate she lacks esteem.
She also warned the public not to criticize her using the term Akorino because she is not the preacher of all Akorinos.

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