Felix Orinda famously identified as DJ Evolve withdraws the case against Embakasi East MP Babu Owino over attempted murder accusations.
The Embakasi legislator will, however, be sued for a second count of acting in a disorderly manner while carrying a firearm.
Babu attempt to settle his case with DJ Evolve out of court bore fruits as agreed from both sides of the respondents.
Babu was charged in 2018 with attempting to kill Evolve by shooting him at a club in Kilimani, Nairobi.
DJ Evolve’s family lawyer notified the court that they were in negotiations with the legislator.
Senior principal magistrate Bernard Ochoi learned that the only thing carrying them back was papers that they had to submit to the prosecutor.
The prosecutor substantiated chats had been ongoing between the parties.
The court learned that the prosecution held two meetings between the accused and respondents together with the lawyers.