
Bongo Comedian Gladness Kifaluka declares herself as the Bongo queen and President of Comedy


Bongo comedian Gladness Kifaluka photo

Vicious Bongo comedian Gladness Kifaluka ‘Pili Kitimtim’ says that she is the only queen of comedy in Tanzania as others follow.

Gladness says there are no female comedians in Tanzania that surprise her in the laugh industry.

The Bongo comedy industry is ranked third in East Africa after Kenya and Uganda.

Bongo comedian Gladness Kifaluka news photo


“I am the only female comedian, who is always ready to compete, anybody ready to compete to get ready,” she said.

“For the level, I have reached and what I am doing right now in this industry I can say I am the queen,” says Gladness and insists fans should visit her Laughing Forum stage at Mlimani City.

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