People are now looking forward to getting into the year of celebration for the winners and sadness for the losers. God will protect all his people who go in his way. As a child, you should not forget to surprise your parents with gifts this festive season.
Parents are the second god. To live a long life in this world, a parent can make a child be just by obeying them. Think twice when doing anything mad. Eat to your limit, drink responsible and make fun with what can be.
Christmas for our brothers and sisters who are Christians means the birth of Jesus Christ and they will spend the rest of the night in the churches. Not only Christians will spend the night today praying but also others will spend it in Bars and Clubs. Be a responsible person this Christmas and help the poor i.e orphans and widows, pray for them because they have their father or husband in heaven.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year. May the Blessings of the Lord be upon all the people who are reading this now forever and ever. God has a purpose for you so, do not demote yourself with what people talk. Everyone has a gift and be firm with that gift. God will take you from ashes to glory with the little you have. God bless you all members of this community and “WE WISH MERRY A CHRISTMAS and PROSPEROUS NEWYEAR.”