
Coast Political icon who worked with late Oginga Odinga(KPU) Katana Juba alias KJ, 90, dies in Kilifi

Katana Juba alias KJ who worked with Late Jaramogi on KPU. FILE
Top Coast Political Icon Katana Juba alias KJ. FILE

Kilifi mourns the death of Katana Juba. He was among the first Politicians at the Coast who helped the late Ronald Ngala and late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in KPU during the colonial period. Katana Juba was born in 1930 in Kauma, Kilifi county.

He worked with the first vice president late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in the 1950s and 1960s. He was among the first Members of Kenya People’s Union(KPU) formed in 1966 by the late Oginga Odinga and late Bildad Kaggia.

Katana Juba alias KJ is one of Coast region’s oldest politicians who worked with late Jaramogi at KPU in those days. He was and still is a political icon to the Kauma’s in Ganze constituency where the late  Ronald Ngala resided.

Another Political Icon at the Coast who worked with the late KJ is Mzee Korojoro at Chonyi sub-county in the KPU with the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.

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