
End of road for Nakuru's notorious ' confirmed' Mpesa fraudster meru aspirant Benson Thuranira Kathiai

A member of county assembly aspirant from Muthara Ward in Meru county, is behind bars for obtaining over Sh350,000 fraudulently, from Mpesa agents.
Benson Thuranira Kathiai arrested for fraud

Benson Thuranira Kathiai, who is the mastermind on a notorious gang of fraudsters based in Nakuru, known as Confirm is our guest until May, 30th, when he will answer to fraud charges at the Nakuru Law courts. 

Thuranira who is vying for the Muthara ward seat was arrested by detectives, following numerous complaints from Mpesa agents who had lost money to his machinations. 
Benson Thuranira Kathiai arrested for fraud

In Nakuru, the thug obtained Sh100,000 from two Mpesa agents before he obtained a further Sh135,000 in Shauri Moyo, Sh60,000 in Busia and Sh120,000 in Meru before he was finally arrested.

Detectives based in Nakuru are appealing to other Mpesa agents who may have been defrauded by Thuranira and co. to come forward and file their reports. 
Benson Thuranira Kathiai arrested for fraud

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