
“I told them to boycott and later buy,” Raila Odinga said in Thika Bidco opening ceremony

ODM leader Raila Odinga. PHOTO | NMG
ODM leader Raila Odinga. PHOTO | NMG

ODM leader Raila Odinga told his supporters to boycott products from Safaricom, Bidco, Brookside and other products claimed to be aiding President Uhuru Kenyatta 2017 general elections. 
Last Thursday Raila Odinga launched a bidco firm in Thika,  a company he told his supporters to boycott. 
” We told them to boycott but later we told them to buy goods from these companies. We told them that we are building bridges and everyone to forget what happened in the previous elections and move on” Raila said in Bidco ground breaking ceremony in Thika.
Here is a clip on Twitter from our partner media, Nation Media Group.

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