
Joho shuts down Technical University of Mombasa isolation centre


Technical University of Mombasa (TUM)


Mombasa county shuts down Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) 300-bed isolation centre to create space for the resumption of in-person learning.

The largest centre in Mombasa County which was launched by Governor Hassan Joho in April to supplement capacity to treat coronavirus patients at the Coast General Hospital.

Tum Vice-Chancellor Laila Abubakar confirmed the closure saying the 300 beds already had been removed from the engineering block as the institution reopens this week.

“Fumigation is currently ongoing as we wait for students to report back to the university,” Prof Abubakar said.

Following Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha’s announcement last week, final-year students at universities and tertiary institutions are reopening on-campus learning this week.

Mombasa County Chief Health Officer Khadijah Shikely said they are creating more space for Covid-19 patients at the Coast General Hospital, Tudor Sub-county Hospital and Port Reitz Sub-county Hospital.

“We want to be prepared in case there is a second wave. Only two patients were remaining at the Tum centre, whom we relocated,” she said.