Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua was kicked out of the Wiper today by the wiper leaders. The governor who is known for Maendeleo ChapChap was kicked out of the party after he allegedly sidelining the wiper and closely relate his Maendeleo Chap Chap with the government party.
According to the Wiper secretary general and Mombasa senator Omar Hassan, Dr. Afred Mutua was kicked out the party by the disciplinary committee. Dr. Mutua will be among 15 members of the party who withdrawn their membership. There is a massive withdrawal in Ukambani from the Wiper Party. The members of wiper are deflecting to join the big government party, Jubilee.
Dr. Mutua is planning to register Maendeleo Chap Chap as an independent party which will fight with other parties in the coming elections. The wiper leader Hon Kalonzo Musyoka has vowed to streamline the party and then urged the party “hopes” to start thinking of moving out the party now before January Next year.
Following the party hopping in Wiper, Hon Kalonzo also talked about the CORD ultimatum to the OLD IEBC staff to take their belongings and evacuate office before 23rd December 2016. He added that, if they will not evacuate office by that date, they will conduct a big rally at Uhuru Park which will be followed by a demonstration to the IEBC offices.