
Kilifi County Education Chief Officer Mr Mullewa Safari Katana fired due to incompetence and abuse of office -MCAs

Kilifi county Assembly. PHOTO | BMS
Kilifi county Assembly. PHOTO | BMS

Kilifi County bursary row escalates as the MCAs directed County Executive Committee Member in charge of Education and ICT Prof Gabriel Katana to formulate new regulations and appoint acting Chairman before the county field a chief officer.

The members of the Kilifi County Assembly have recommended that the Chief Officer in charge of Education, Mr Mullewa Safari Katana discontinues immediately from the Membership of the Ward Scholarship Fund Board.

The Members further resolved that disciplinary action be taken by the County Public Service Board against the Chief Officer in charge of Education, Mr Mullewa Safari Katana, for incompetence and violation of the Kilifi County Ward Scholarship Fund Act, 2018.

The Kilifi County Ward Scholarship Fund Act, 2018 makes provisions for the establishment and administration of the Kilifi County Ward Scholarship Fund to enhance access to education for bright and needy students through the issuance of bursaries and scholarships.

In a report deliberated and adopted by the House, the Assembly has also resolved that the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) in charge of Finance and Economic Planning appoint another member of the Ward Scholarship Fund Board as a Chairperson to ensure efficient management of the Scholarship Fund.

The MCAs had last week at the Committee on General Oversight raised concerned over Mr Mullewa’s failure to disburse 469 cheques worth over 100 million meant for students in High Schools, Colleges and Universities leading to some missing admission opportunities in National Schools.

Speaking with the media after the plenary sitting, Kakuyuni Ward MCA Hon. Nixon Mramba who also happened to be the Chairperson of the County Assembly Ward Scholarship Fund Committee said the Chief Officer deliberately ignored to follow the law as stipulated in the Ward Scholarship Fund Act, 2018 leading to delays, confusion and suffering of deserving students in the County.

Hon. Mramba said that some of the MCAs were forced to pay school fees using their personal earnings for students to report to school while others failed to be admitted to form one due to delays of funds from the ward scholarship kit being managed by Mr Mullewa as the Chairperson of the Board.

The Assembly also resolved that the County Executive Committee Member in charge of Education and ICT Prof Gabriel Katana formulates regulations for operationalizing the Kilifi County Ward Scholarship Fund Act, 2018 within 90 days.