Maize farmers in Kitale are now crying for the plague of parasitic people who have invaded their pockets after harvest. The town now is flooded with pr0st!tutes from Bungoma, Malaba and even from Nairobi. The s£x workers captured the city because of Maize arrears government gave to farmers. The ladies said the business is booming.
According to our sources, the majority of Men do not spend nights in their homes but on the street chasing for the big booty pr0st!itutes in Kitale town CBD. The ladies said the business is good and they are calling others to boost them in numbers.
Last Month, 300 HIV S£x workers were arrested in Kisii following a crackdown that was done by the county workers. The county government silenced the increasing HIV infection in the area as it was reported by AIDS counsel. The majority of the ladies also escaped to Kitale.
The Police also alerted the citizens who are living in Kitale town to keep and eye on the ladies who meander on the streets of Kitale. The Local leaders have urged the farmers who got their arrears to spend them wisely because another season of preparing land is at the corner.
It already signaling that majority of the farmers do not have money to prepare their farms. The money was divided equally with the ladies and now no money to prepare farms.
The ladies who escaped from Kisii divided themselves to Bomet, Eldoret, and Kitale. Due to lack of Men and jobs, the majority decided to look for food as s£x workers. Ladies from Kitale have bought buildings and other properties in the outskirts of Kitale Town.