
Nandi: TSC sacks three teachers for eating bananas, drinking milk meant for visitors in the principal’s office


Banana and Milk

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has sacked three teachers from Nandi Secondary School for reportedly consuming all bananas and milk in the principal’s office.

Teachers at Lelmokwo Secondary School are accused of breaking into the principal’s office, stealing all the milk, and eating the bananas.

Additionally, it is said that the instructors barged into the kitchen and ordered the chefs to feed them chicken that was intended for the school’s guests.


In a letter to the instructors, Nandi County TSC deputy director W.O. Mosigisi reprimanded them for breaching the regulations.

The letter sources state, “TSC directs me to inform you that you have violated Clause C (iii) and (iv) of the Third Schedule of the Act.”

“On March 15 at 1:30 pm, you broke into the principal’s office without authorization and consumed all the milk and bananas inside. On March 16, you broke into the school kitchen and ordered staff members to give you chicken that was intended for guests,” the letter said.

Therefore, the TSC deputy director prohibited the instructors as of May 22.

“You are allowed to make a defence statement to the commission in writing within 21 days,” the deputy county manager added. “Before the commission proceeds with examining and deciding your case, you are invited to do so.”

The instructors were also given the assurance that the panel would let them be heard.

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