
Rachel Ruto: Ugandans do not use fertilizer, God fertilized the soil through East African Revival Prayers

Mama Rachel Ruto photo
According to First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto, Ugandans hardly use fertiliser on their crops considering the country has enough rainfall all year round and the soil is naturally fertile.
At Monday’s commemoration ceremony at KICC, Mama Rachel went on to say that the East African revival of the 1930s—”God endowed them with fertile land and rains”—was a major reason why Uganda is so fortunate.
The First Lady claims that it was because of her prayers that Ugandans began to sow crops without fertiliser.
“Our president has spoken about fertilisers for our farmers in Kenya. Fertilisers are not used in Uganda. Precipitation is abundant, and the soil is highly rich. “
Mama Rachel said that her discovery was the East African Revival, which had a profound impact on Uganda and other regions of East Africa.
She described how, in 2022, she went to Uganda and saw a lush, verdant nation, in contrast to the parched, oppressed Kenya.
Officially, the First Lady prayed for rain by getting down on her knees.
At the Thanksgiving ceremony, she emphasised the importance of prayer and the need to constantly give thanks to God.
Additionally, Rachel expressed her hope that Kenya will establish a national holiday to pray and offer gratitude, similar to the American Thanksgiving.