
Spiderman 3 arrested for robbing residents in Kilimani and Kileleshwa estates

Spiderman gang arrested in Kilimani


A robber exploiting Kilimani and Kileleshwa estates in Nairobi County well known as Spider-Man has been captured.

Kennedy Otieno Oyier alias “Spider-Man 3”, who has been climbing walls in apartments within the two estates stealing money and jewellery, was arrested on Sunday night, April 12.

Police said Spiderman 3, who is a brother to another suspect John Otieno Oyier alias “Spider-Man 2”, took police officers to his Kawangware home where several laptops were retrieved.

‘Spiderman 2’ is currently held at Industrial Area prisons following his arrest in January.

Oyier was arrested after police officers began an operation following numerous accusations by locals over the increased theft.

He told the police that he pulled his motivation from a movie he watched online.

Moreover, he had stolen precious items from many households after breaking into homes using metal rods and master keys.

The Kilimani ‘spidermen’ were perceived to avoid areas that had CCTV systems and acted on wee hours in the morning and late at night.

He is currently held at Kilimani Police Station.

Nairobi police boss Augustine Nthumbi asked members of the public who have lost their items in the recent past to visit the station.

The police boss added that they were still pursuing more robbers who have been giving locals in the two estate sleepless nights.

“We are still in pursuit of more suspects and we shall ensure that they are arrested,” he said.

Oyier is expected to be in court on Monday, April 12.