
[VIDEO] Nana Owiti states King Kaka was dead after she applied for asylum in the US

King Kaka and Nana Owiti are alleged to be in separate ways after social media rumours hit the celebrities.  

It is said that Nana Owiti got a job in the US, took visas for her children, stated King Kaka was dead (on paper), and applied for asylum. 

King Kaka and Nana Owiti photo

After going to the US, she didn’t tell King Kaka, making him search for him as a missing person.

The dude praised her on social media for always being there for him and called her a superwoman. Now it is alleged that he is seeing dust.

However, King Kaka friend Alinur Mohamed has rubbished the rumours, saying the duo are still living together and living large. 

“It’s extremely sad to see the kind of rumours being posted online about my friend King Kaka and his wife, Nini Nana Owiti. It is even worse that it is a lady who started the rumours during Mother’s Day. This is the best celebrity couple in Kenya; don’t break their good marriage,” Alinur said. 

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