
(Video) When a man holding, holding until you call my dear… Twa! Twa! Game ya God Pastor Susan Munene Video

Pastor Susan Munene of Overcomers Hope Ministries Church
Pastor Susan Munene of Overcomers Hope Ministries Church

Pastor Susan Munene who is well known as Twa! Twa! Twa! and Game ya God pastor describes what Women needs in relationships. In a video, she demonstrated the passion for Women to train and Pray for the husbands to overcome “Two Minutes” half glory.

” When you a man is sweating and holding and hoolding… and holding, pushing and pushing, that a selfless person, ” she says.

” When a woman is sweating, gasping, throbbing and panting, holding nerves together while the man is on, that is the man to stay with, ” Pastor Susan Munene Overcomers Hope Ministries Church says.

The Pastor came to limelight after ” Twa Twa Twa ” couples counseling night at her church in Nairobi.  The Game ya God and Overcomers Hope Ministries Church Pastor has called out on Men who spend a minute before shivering, jumping out and straight to deep sleep to exercise caution in marriages.

” By Praying, eating healthy, exercising and practising safe methods can make your man change completely to your satisfaction concerning bed matters, ” Twa Twa Twa Pastor said.