
“We have Tigers in Kenya,” DP Rigathi Gachagua defends himself after Colombia blundered speech


Rigathi Gachagua in Redcross gala dinner

 Rigathi Gachagua, the deputy president, has made an effort to defend his erroneous and sharply ridiculed claims that Kenya had tigers.

“To the Kikuyu people, from whom I am descended, the leopard and the tiger are identical. I meant leopards when I said there are tigers. Therefore, visit Nairobi National Park to witness the leopard or tiger, ” said Gachagua.

He spoke on Monday at the Boma Hotel in Nairobi at the gala supper of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society Pan-African conference.

Gachagua has come under fire for claiming during his address in Colombia that Kenya possesses tigers.

“We have various amenities for tourism, once again, as you come to invest in Kenya. Elephants, rhinos, buffaloes, tigers, and other uncommon types of animals may be found here, “according to Gachagua.

Actually, neither tigers nor lions have ever been seen on the continent of Africa, let alone in Kenya.

Asia, Nepal, Indonesia, and China are the main habitats for tigers. According to the Wildlife Conservation Society, there are just 3000 tigers left in the world.

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