
What are people searching in December 2017 and January 2018? Google reveals.

Shylock increased in Kenya. PHOTO | FILE

Do you know the most search word in December and January in every year are most likely the same? Google foresee the phrases to search on January 2018.

1. How to leave creditors

Personal financial advisors are always preaching the importance of living within one’s own means. The problem with living below one’s means though is that your neighbours will think you are poor.

2. How to overcome the guilt of breaking New Year resolutions

As the old year gives way to a new one, Kenyans make all kinds of resolutions ranging from quitting habits like drinking, smoking and picking noses in public. They also resolve to take up good habits like eating healthy, exercising and taking selfies with their clothes on.

3. Shylocks and pawnshops

Not just by penning newspaper columns offering advice on how to budget for the holidays. And with that being the case, shylocks, pawnshops and online lenders become darlings of search engines.

4. Most reliable pregnancy test kits

But since we are all too sinful to be visited by angels to give us a confirmation of the not so immaculate conception, the only way to be sure is to test with the most reliable kits available.

Google has given a limelight of what will be searched starting in January 2018. These will be the most phrases that people will be searching on the net come January due to the nature of economic and environmental conditions.