Drama unfolds as a man exits the Dowry Ceremony in Murang’a, citing allegations of extortion and unnecessary fines. John paid Ksh 40,000 to cater for food, tents, chairs, and a public address system.
He was also required to set aside Ksh 60,000 for the bride price that the two families had agreed upon.
After conceiving the girl, John received instructions to increase the bride price by Ksh20,000. The upcoming in-laws fined him Ksh10,000 for taking a wrong turn and ending up in a different homestead, not the girls’.
The elders, who had grown weary of waiting for his arrival, instructed him to make a payment of Ksh 5,000.
However, drama erupted when twelve girls, covered in loose lesos from head to toe, paraded in front of John and asked him to guess who his fiancée was. John pointed to the wrong woman, resulting in yet another Ksh 20,000 fine.
The decisive moment, in particular, was when elders demanded Ksh 500,000, which was used for the girl’s school fees and childhood upkeep.
A furious John excused himself to visit a nearby latrine and left, fuming with anger.
He turned off his phone and left for Nairobi CBD in a matatu.