Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Uhuru allies say Mt. Kenya becomes a stronghold for Raila Odinga Presidency

President Uhuru Kenyatta with ODM leader Raila Odinga. FILE
President Uhuru Kenyatta with ODM leader Raila Odinga. FILE


President Uhuru Kenyatta associates in Mt Kenya scheming on how to prepare residents to welcome ODM chief Raila Odinga and to be accepted despite being once was demonised in the region.

President Uhuru allies are frequently coming out to claim that Mt Kenya is now a stronghold for Raila presidency and as the region’s best bet to protect its interests.

Political bigwigs have lined up a set of meetings across Mt Kenya region to popularise Raila and win him to about eight million voters.

Last Friday’s meeting at Kamanda’s Ol Kalau home, Nyandarua county, was the beginning of many scheduled meetings campaign for Raila.

The meeting was attended by five governors, some openly pledging to back the former prime minister’s State House bid.

They included Meru’s Kiraitu Murungi, Kiambu’s James Nyoro, Kirinyaga’s Anne Waiguru, Nyandarua’s Francis Kimemia,  Embu’s Martin Wambora, Jubilee vice-chairman David Murathe, National Assembly Majority leader Amos Kimunya, MPs Kanini Kega (Kieni), Sabina Chege (Muranga Woman Representative) and Kiambu Woman Representative Gathoni Wamuchomba, among others.

“Let us negotiate a good position for Mt Kenya region, let us not divide over our eight million votes,” Kiraitu said.

“I want us to calculate well and see who will implement the new Constitution and if you say it is Raila, I will be with you on that.”

“We have told our people we are going to support Raila because this country will be safe in his hands,” Kamanda said.

“DP William Ruto has opposed the one man one shilling revenue formula and now he is pushing for the multiple-choice referendum so he can reject the 70 new constituencies. We cannot support such a man,” Kimunya said.

With the BBI referendum likely to be supported by a majority of voters, Kimunya said, the region should promote the ODM chief to continue the President’s legacy plans.

“When one retires, the other remains [in leadership] to implement. As we pass BBI in Mt Kenya, we also carry the chief architect with us as the implementer past 2022,” Kimunya said of the need to support Raila.