Saturday, July 27, 2024

ODM officials want Raila Odinga out of handshake before its too late


ODM chief Raila Odinga photo

ODM chief Raila Odinga on the crossroad to sustain his handshake with President Uhuru Kenyatta and secure his support bases without endangering jubilee sabotage.

Attacking Deputy President William Ruto who is second in Jubilee hierarchy without seeming to hit out at the President confuses the ODM chief.

The ODM chief associates are mounting pressure on him to re-think his reputation as the ‘poor people’s defender’, among concerns he may have lost a chunk of his supporters to the DP with his hustler nation.

The ODM chief criticised county governments and the ministry of health over the nurses, clinical officers and lab technicians’ strikes.

Raila maintains critics upon the Jubilee administration during his political meetings, swipes specifically targeting Ruto.

With almost 17 months to the next election, ODM leader could be running out of time in his love to appease his traditional support bases.

Raila maintains criticism over false promises of laptops or tablets for Class 1 pupils, construction of stadiums and jobs for youth.

His associates have taken this critique in pace, saying their handshake was meant to give President Kenyatta’s administration a conducive environment for business.

Siaya Senator James Orengo the closest ally also critisiced Uhuru over uncontrolled borrowing, violation of the law and disrespecting court orders.