Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kilifi Senate contestant lawyer George Kithi mocks incumbent vows to change poor representation narrative

Kilifi Senatorial aspirant George Kithi News Photo
Kilifi Senatorial aspirant George Kithi


Kilifi Senatorial aspirant George Kithi says problems facing the people in Kilifi and at the Coast region will never end if the elected leaders do not push for peoples’ agenda. 

Lawyer George Kithi said Kilifi needs a working and proactive Senator who will push the interest of the people rather than sitting and waiting for people to solve their own.

” The problems facing the county have been there. Leadership has also been there. But instead of reducing the problems facing the common person, the problems have since increased, ” he said in an exclusive interview.

” People vote to get better services. A person is trusted by the people to get relief to their problems facing through legislative, leadership, power of negotiation and governance. But these people who we vote for, forget that people are looking for them to change the narrative, ”  he added.

” Why the problems we had 8 years ago are still there and even increased tremendously yet we have people who defend and represent? Can people say the 8 years of the current leadership has reduced many problems facing the mwananchi?” he added.

” Unemployment rate has increased. The water problem has increased. The poverty rate has also increased. We need fresh and understandable  leadership that will promote goodwill.”

However, Lawyer George Kithi hinted at his agenda ahead of the 2022 elections.


” When voted in as Senator of Kilifi, the narrative of oppression has come to an end. Our land has been grabbed. We are just squatters in our homes, ” he said.

His family land in Bamba nears Bale ranch which its a matter of time people from the area will start crying after the privatization of the ranch. 

His home constituency Ganze had a controversial Giriama Ranch where more than 10,000 families were affected. 

The land problem has been a sore throat issue in the county with the lawyer promising to help to reduce the menace. 

Though land matters are devolved, the county has failed to protect the people but upheld private developers and riching themselves. 

Last year, Kithi over the establishment of local elders courts in Magarini.

Kithi said there was also a need to push for such courts to be like the religious courts – Kadhi.

Disputes concerning land, family affairs, theft, witchcraft and other immoral activities could reduce.

Traditional Kayas resolved conflicts such as land disputes, family affairs, theft and witchcraft among others, but the courts disappeared due to modernity.

Elders said the lack of traditional courts has contributed to the killings of elderly men on false allegations of witchcraft, yet most of the cases are land matters.

Elders’ coordinator Tsuma Nzai Kombe said they launched the court during the annual Chenda Chenda festival to promote peace.