Saturday, July 27, 2024

Parliamentary CS Vetting Committee deadlock as three CS nominees are surprised early


President William Ruto on CS candidates

Some CS candidates run the danger of having their applications rejected by the National Assembly. People who were turned down had been accused of a wide range of crimes, from possible corruption to questionable behaviour in public.

Before this week’s House debate, the Speaker Wetang’ula-chaired Appointments Committee was apparently split on several of the cabinet nominations.

According to reports, the committee report will be presented today in the afternoon in preparation for tomorrow’s discussion. It seems that the nominations will either be approved or rejected by Parliament tomorrow. 

President William Ruto on CS candidates

But it turns out that there was a disagreement over three cabinet candidates, leading to a standoff. It has been revealed that the National Assembly Committee on Appointments couldn’t agree on whether to approve three of the 24 people President Ruto had proposed for different dockets.

The committee headed by Speaker Moses Wetang’ula, according to information from reliable sources reported in The Star, unanimously accepted 21 candidates for Cabinet Secretary. Unfortunately, it seems that opinions on the remaining three candidates are sharply divided. Prior to being sworn into office, those who will be authorized will be gazetted.

According to sources the appointment of Moses Kuria as CS for Trade and Industrialization, Aisha Jumwa as CS for and Mithika Lithuri as CS for Agriculture is being challenged.