Friday, July 26, 2024

Heavy Police deployment at Martha Karua and Uhuru Kenyatta’s home in Ichaweri, Gatundu


Ichaweri, Gatundu heavy Police presence
Ichaweri, Gatundu heavy Police presence

The authorities increased security at Uhuru Kenyatta’s rural house in Ichaweri, Gatundu South Constituency, fearing that the Monday incidents would repeat themselves days after thugs stormed his family’s property.

Jonathan Koech, who is in charge of the Gatundu South sub-county police, says that 30 police officers have been sent to keep watch and stop any criminal groups.

In Martha Karua’s, the leader of the Narc-Kenya political group’s residence, the very same security precautions were seen.

Police stood outside Karua’s residence on Thursday morning in the Gichugu Constituency (Kirinyaga County) neighbourhood of Kimunye. Business as usual continued in the neighbourhood.

After an assault on one of his houses even during anti-government rallies staged on Monday, March 27, the former president’s household has boosted security.

Strange people broke into Northlands City, which is owned by the Kenyatta family and is near the Eastern Bypass in Ruiru. They cut down trees and took animals before leaving.

The attackers would then divide a part of the land and put up temporary buildings there.

Policemen were not seen for several more hours after the thugs attacked Kenyatta’s property.

Police were blamed for forgetting to safeguard the previous head of state’s property, which caused an uproar.

President William Ruto promised to defend everyone’s life, property, and business on Tuesday.

We are all equal because of it. Nobody should infringe upon another person’s rights,” the president said.