Friday, July 26, 2024

Azimio chiefs direct MPs to unanimously reject Finance Bill 2023


Raila Odinga photos

Azimio has insisted that all of its legislators will oppose the Finance Bill 2023. National Assembly Minority Whip Junet Mohamed said on Tuesday at the Nairobi Parliament Buildings that Azimio would whip its members to guarantee an overwhelming vote against the bill.

“I don’t believe there is a reasonable member who can disagree with the opposition’s stance. You may choose how to proceed if the coalition has not taken a stance on a certain bill,”” Junet said.

“As far as I know, no member from our side has declared their support for the bill.” They are aware of the repercussions, if any. Such judgements may be handled in a variety of ways,” he said.

The MP said that the rules allowed parties to whip their individual MPs about important bills introduced in Parliament.

This is occurring at the same time that Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris voiced support for the housing tax, claiming that it would aid in addressing the city’s slum issue.

Passaris, a member of the National Assembly’s Housing, Urban Planning, and Public Works Committee, said on Tuesday that although she does not fully endorse the bill, she does acknowledge the substantial advantages that would result from addressing the nation’s housing need.

“Slums must be eliminated… We need a home. Another means of boosting the economy is this. As a member of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) caucus, I believe that we should all have access to adequate housing.”

According to the Women’s Representative, the crowded unofficial neighbourhoods are a breeding ground for criminal activity, accidents, defilement, and adolescent pregnancies.

She hopes that before the bill becomes law, the administration will have taken public feedback into account and made the necessary adjustments.

Passaris said that if corruption is not tackled by the Kenya Kwanza government, the multi-billion-shilling housing project would fail.

“We’re going to have a big issue if the administration doesn’t address corruption. No matter how much money we raise, they won’t provide the services, “she stated.

Silvanus Osoro, the majority whip of the National Assembly, promised on Monday that the government and Kenya Kwanza MPs have been listening to the public’s differing opinions and are open to revision once the bill is introduced in Parliament.

Members will have the chance to provide modifications in the committee of the full House, according to Osoro.

This is a day after Azimio leader Raila Odinga said that his group will make a significant announcement about the divisive Finance Bill, 2023. The bill will be discussed on Thursday after it is likely to be introduced in Parliament on Wednesday.

If the opposition’s demands are not satisfied, Raila urged the government to be ready for further demonstrations. He asked the Azimio MPs to vote against the bill, highlighting the significance of making a decision.

Raila further urged his followers to maintain a list of MPs who would support the bill.