Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kikuyu elders summon President Ruto, DP Gachagua pleads with Raila to call off Saba Saba rally

Raila Odinga with Kikuyu council of elders

President William Ruto and his deputy, Rigathi Gachagua, have been summoned to speak with the Kikuyu Council of Elders, which is headed by national chairman Wachira Kiago.

In an exclusive interview with the Star, Kiago emphasised the value of national unity and encouraged Raila to cancel his planned protests because they would lead to divisions in the nation.

“We need peace and unity for the sake of the nation and future generations; therefore, I sincerely implore Raila Odinga and his team to put an end to the planned protests and talk to the government, “Kiago added.

On July 7, Raila intends to host a gathering at the storied Kamukunji grounds in Nairobi to demand widespread civil disobedience.

At a demonstration held on Tuesday at the grounds, he declared that the goal of the disobedience was to get President William Ruto to revoke the Finance Act, which he had signed on Monday.

Kiago, however, voiced severe worry about the choice to encourage civil disobedience among Kenyans and cited the terrible effects such acts may have on the nation.

He emphasised the value of peace and togetherness among all Kenyans, which surpasses membership in political parties, and said that the Saba Saba protests should be put to a stop.

Kiago also urged leaders in politics of all stripes to promote harmony and peace.

Raila lambasted the President at the Kamukunji rally for ignoring Kenyans’ cries for him to reduce the burden of the cost of living.

Kiago’s thoughts were mirrored by political expert Albert Kasembeli, who recommended that Raila look into other forms of communication rather than calling for protests on the streets.

In order to address the problems of the Kenyan people, Kasembeli emphasised the value of cooperation and conversation.

“The subsequent hours are going to demonstrate whether or not political leaders will get above differences of opinion and appreciate its founding principles of unity and working together,” Kasembeli added. “As Kenya negotiates its path towards a more promising tomorrow, the coming days will reveal that.”

William Ruto, a resident of the nation, recently stressed that the planned political demonstrations wouldn’t pose a danger to his administration and that he wouldn’t let harassment get in the way of his commitment to serving the Kenyan people.

“We won’t be frightened and cease to advocate for the people of Kenya,” Ruto declared. “I am not going to allow the individuals who blackmail my government.”

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua entered the discussion and accused Raila of utilising strategies similar to those he had previously used against former President Uhuru Kenyatta.