Saturday, July 27, 2024

Man who documented his wife’s death on social media found dead in Thika


Police at thecrime scene

On Monday, March 11, a few days after going into hiding, the dead body of a man suspected of murdering his girlfriend and posting footage of the planned murder online was found in Thika, Kiambu County.

The security guard’s partner, for whom he had a daughter, is said to have killed him. The guy in question attracted an array of Kenyans over the course of the weekend when he made death threats against his girlfriend for her choice of abandoning him in an internet thread that was posted. 

Regardless of supporting the woman throughout her further studies and covering all of her costs at the Murang’a University of Technology, the guy got resentful when she was abandoned.

The dead clarified that the two began dating in 2016 while they were still in school and subsequently moved in together.

The father stated in the messages that were circulated online that he used to go to work at night and look after his kid during the day while his sweetheart was at school.

But the guy was upset that his sweetheart had behaved differently after graduating and landing a nice job.

He said that she was cheating on him and talking to two separate guys. He also disclosed purported text exchanges that his wife and the two guys had communicated. He wondered why she had ended their relationship so quickly as well.

“Godspeed, my queen. You loved someone else, but I loved you more. Decisions have repercussions,” he remarked after the loss on March 7 of his wife.

The guy tweeted about his experience and linked prominent media outlets as well as the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), but he never heard back.

The guy also said that he was expressing what he had learned to teach others about the perils of being dishonest in a romantic relationship.

Kenyans were taken aback by his account and said that both deaths may have been spared if the DCI had acted sooner.

The guy received backlash from Kenyans for going to such extreme lengths rather than calling it quits on the romance. Kenyans also made the point that a broken relationship does not mean one’s demise.

Moreover, they proposed that the guy ought to have turned himself in to the authorities to prevent the daughter from becoming an orphan.