
Kilifi women representative Aisha Jumwa in trouble as Youth bunge blames Mung’aro for her troubles.

Gideo Mung'aro in a public political rally at Matsangoni in his Kilifi south Constituency.

Kilifi North M.P  Gideon Mung’aro is alleged to have sponsored the chaos and embarrassments of the Kilifi women representative Aisha Jumwa. Kilifi county Bunge said that they have noted some things from the previous interactions between Hon. Aisha Jumwa and Hon. Gideon Mungaro. Mung’aro was seen to fight with other members of the national assembly in coast region as he wanted them to join Jubilee party. Hon. Aisha Jumwa and other CORD leaders  who successfully fought for the Malindi by-election led by Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho and took the seat to CORD while on the other hand they lost and he became dumb in Coast region politics.

Sources as well said that Mung’aro is planning a big political competition between his partner and Hon. Aisha in the coming general election. The women representative will be looking forward to securing the Malindi constituency seat in 2017. The IEBC saga that let Jumwa be detained also is linked to her political opposers who are seen to press her and provide allegations as she uttered hate speech. The inspector general of police ordered the prosecution of the people who deliver hate speeches in the  political rallies.

The Jubilee foot soldiers have raised their voices against the members who were nominated to seat for the anti-IEBC dialogue. The voices were towards Machakos senator Johnstone Muthama and Hon. Aisha Jumwa. They suggested that these two should not be on the committee which is seeking for solutions against IEBC. The CORD on the other side as well condemned the speeches that were made by the Bahati member of parliament Hon. Kimani Ngunjiri and Gatundu member of parliament Hon. Moses Kuria and also suggested that these two should not be in any committee that will be engaging in the National Dialogue.

The frustration is still following the Kilifi women representative as her former colleagues are enjoying the benefits of the government. She will be taken to court tomorrow to identify if she will be bailed out or not. The Jubilee party Critics say that the government is planning to snub some famous people in Coast region to prepare for the coming general elections. According to “Tunawesmake” aspirant, Peter Kenneth suggested that the next years competition should have international observers who make and deliver best free and fair. He added that he be back for the presidential bid in the ballot boxes.

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