
Landlords and Tenants Association(LATAK) Orders Tenants Not To Pay Rents until economy stables -SMS to 20777

LATAK orders Tenants not to pay rent to Landlords due to declined economy. PHOTO | BMS
LATAK orders Tenants not to pay rent to Landlords due to declined economy. PHOTO | BMS

As the country faces pandemic, rent and food have been a thorny issue to the tenants. The Government has been urged to supply food to its people mostly employees, Market produce vendors and small-scale businesses people like hawkers and Mama mboga.

However, Landlords and Tenants Association (LATAK) has ordered all tenants not to pay their rents demonstrating that businesses have stopped and the economy is deteriorating due to the naval virus in the country as well as fulfilling government directive stating that everybody to stay at home.

Speaking to journalist LATAK secretary general Ben Liyai says they have spoken to their members over the issue and going forward they expect no tenants to be harassed by the landlords because of rent payment.

‘‘LATAK directs all tenants not to pay rent until when H.E Uhuru Kenyatta orders businesses to resume normal operations. All the landlords must forthwith stop evictions, harassment and disconnection of electricity and water to tenants.’’ the LATAK secretary-general Mr Ben Liyai said.

” When you ask someone to pay rent at this time, that person his business is closed, he or she is not going to work, he or she has no any form of income, where do you expect to pay the rent from? The transport sector is down, several markets closed, employers in the private sector have closed their businesses, domestic workers blocked due to virus transmission, why Real Estate becomes the exception? Let the Government supply food, and tenants remain in their houses without paying rent until the economy is back to normal, ” he added.

The association has also asked landlords or Tenants who are having difficulties in complying with the directives to send the word TENANT or LANDLORD to toll-free emergency number 20777 so that the association can pick up the matter.

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